

RECOTOX benefits from many partners.

The main RECOTOX partners are :

  • The network ECOTOX ( Set up in 2009 by INRA, ECOTOX has since broadened to include the French community active in the field of ecotoxicology,
  • The project of RI “Zones Ateliers” (led by V. Bretagnolle on behalf of the CNRS-INEE). Currently, there are 13 ZA, of which 5 are already involved in RECOTOX. At least three other ZA should join if RECOTOX is labelled. ZA provide RECOTOX with a very strong basis for landscape scale analyses of pesticides within ecosystems, as well as very good connections with society and stakeholders in general,
  • The RI “Ressources Agronomiques pour la Recherche” (AgroBRC-RARe, managed by M. Tixier-Boichard on behalf of INRA, IRD and CIRAD) brings together 5 networks of Biological Resource Centers (BRC) maintaining genetic, genomic and biological resources, produced and characterized by research on domestic animals, crops and model plant species. Supported by RARe, RECOTOX could contribute to collect, store soil, water, biota samples. RARe could also help the sites in strengthening and organizing their ability to store and secure collected samples and their related data in the long-term,
  • Analytical chemistry, the INRA platform of agro-environmental analysis, PlatInAAE), the « Cité Lyonnaise de l’Environnement et de l’analyse » (CLEA, co-managed by CNRS, Irstea, Université Lyon 1, ENS de Lyon), and other well-known local laboratories, such as the Mass Spectrometry Facility, MasSpecLab (managed by the medical university of Versailles St-Quentin),
  • The RI “Analyse et Expérimentation sur les Ecosystèmes-France” (AnaEE-France, co-managed by Jean Clobert and André Chanzy on behalf of CNRS and INRA) which is an integrated network of the major French experimental, analytical, and modeling platforms dedicated to the biological study of continental ecosystems (aquatic and terrestrial). Those platforms include the Environmental biochemistry platform (soil and macrofauna biomarkers), Biochem-Env and the Environmental genomics platforms (GenoSol, eDNA, GEH, managed by INRA, CNRS, Grenoble and Rennes universities). AnaEE-France is already open to the international community of scientists in the field of continental ecotoxicology. RECOTOX could then benefit from the AnaEE-France facilities for required experiments at local scale and/or in well controlled conditions. In return, AnaEE-France lacks of in natura sites allowing research in ecotoxicology, which are provided by RECOTOX.
Interactions entre AnaEE-France et RECOTOX
Interactions between AnaEE-France and RECOTOX