Management of the RECOTOX sites

Currently, 10 observatories belong to the RECOTOX network. They are presented in the following table.

Sites and their hosting organization actually constituting the RECOTOX network
Sites and their hosting organization actually constituting the RECOTOX network

Location of the RECOTOX sites

Located throughout the metropolitain and overseas French territory and Tunisia, the sites cover a wide panel of climatic, geological and biological conditions.

Location of the RECOTOX sites
Location of the RECOTOX sites

Diversity and complementarities of the RECOTOX sites

The diversity of the RECOTOX sites enable them to complement each other and offers a wide panel of studies. Those sites benefit from outstanding complementarities concerning :

  • Agro-pedo-climatic conditions :
    • Field arable crops, vineyard, meadows,
    • Various degrees of intensification and pesticide use,
    • Range of contexts of contamination (type, amount, temporality and specialization),
    • Brown-leached soils, chalky soils, granite, tropical soils,
  • Environmental compartments :
    • Soils,
    • Plants,
    • Aquatic and terrestrial fauna,
    • Ground and surface waters,
  • Scale to study :
    • Plot,
    • Catchment and small headwater catchment (up to 10 km²),
    • River bassin (100 to 1 000 km²),
  • Disciplines, approaches and experience :
    • Soil science, agronomy, hydrology, chemistry, biology, ecotoxicology, telemetry, sensing,
    • Surveys, observation and field experimentation, analytical methods, modeling,
    • Field and laboratory pre-existing instrumentation,
    • Existing collections of biological resources (soils, bioindicators, pollens, eggs, biofilm…), passive samplers,
    • Relationship with socio-economic or operational partners,
  • Complementary positions along the chain pressures-exposures-impacts

Studied processes and pollutants in the RECOTOX sites

processus et polluants_en
Main characteristics of the sites retained in RECOTOX. Legend: Wa, water; Aq, aquatic; Te,terrestrial; Ae, aerial. Pollutants/processes actually studied (black cells) or already planned to be studied (grey cells).