WP 6 : Communication, exploitation and dissemination of results

Workpackage 6 : Communication, exploitation and dissemination of results

Leaders : Management Board

Participants : Management Board, Executive Commitee and Transverse Groups

Objectives :

Started in late 2016, this WP will consist in communicating, diffusing and exploiting results for knowledge transfer and optimized recognition and visibility of the sites. RECOTOX will have a strong impact in structuring the research community in ecotoxicology, and in developing interactions with toxicologists. By promoting facilities for an integrated approach, it will contribute to increase the research potential on continental ecosystems. Partners of RECOTOX cover a wide range of scientific and technological expertise and will be in a position to propose new research projects making use of their observatories and expertise.


  • Scientific production :

The most important source of valorisation of results will be through publication in international, high ranking journal in environmental sciences and ecotoxicology. Observatories/sites already generate high quality productions. We expect an increase of integrated papers providing a high-level scientific production based on the complementarity of approaches within the research facilities. Publication of meta-analyses, systematic reviews, position and data papers will be encouraged.

  • Contribution to training :

Observatories are supported by research departments mobilizing permanent and non-permanent staff. They contribute to basic and continuous training programs in agricultural secondary schools, universities…, as well as knowledge transfer to stakeholders of agriculture (chambers of agriculture, technical institutes…) and environment. RECOTOX will publish printed or audio-visual materials to support the educational programs. The sites of RECOTOX could be an educational support for one of the engineering training of AgroParisTech : Métatox. Another interesting output of RECOTOX will be a contribution to UVAE, the “Université Virtuelle d’Agroécologie” (http://www6.inra.fr/uvae) developed by several academic and research partners including INRA.

  • Participation to workshops and meetings :

RECOTOX will also organize prospective scientific meetings on important issues in ecotoxicological experimentation and observation, as well as workshops and scientific meeting for result dissemination. These events will combine plenary presentations, presentations of results acquired within the sites, perspectives for future research… Potential topics could include the modeling of hydric and the atmospheric dispersion of pesticides. RECOTOX will organize sharing workshops between scientists and operational actors to promote the coconstruction of projects and knowledge transfer.


  • Added value :
    • An adapted Information system,
    • An access to the main networks for scientific animation in Europe,
    • Relationships with high schools and universities,
  • Deliverables : they concern the scientific production, training, workshops and meetings…