ORACLE - Orgeval

ORACLE - Orgeval

The Orgeval catchment area belongs to the ORACLE observatory. Located east of Paris, the Orgeval catchment works on understanding the processes and integrative modeling of the functioning of the small upstream watersheds.

For further information, go to the ORACLE website at the bottom of this page.


The Orgeval catchment belongs to the ORACLE observatory (1 800 km²) located 70 km east of Paris and which is composed of the Grand Morin and Petit Morin catchments and the sub-catchment of Orgeval (which is part of the Grand Morin catchment). The Orgeval catchment is the only one to be part of the RECOTOX network. Started in 1962, the Orgeval catchment is managed by IRSTEA. The ORACLE observatory gathers many national and international research units in the GIS ORACLE (Group of Scientific Interest) created in 2011. The Orgeval catchment is also part of the « Zone Atelier Seine » thanks to the Interdisciplinary Research Program in Environment on the Seine basin (PIREN SEINE) and it is also part of the RBV (Catchment Network).

Location of the Orgeval catchment area in the ORACLE observatory
Location of the Orgeval catchment area in the ORACLE observatory (source :

RECOTOX site characteristics :

The Orgeval catchment has a direct influence in terms of quantity and quality on the flows, going from the Marne to the Seine until the Paris conurbation. The Orgeval catchment area covers 104 km² and has been studied since 1962. It is a sub-catchment of the “Grand Morin” basin mainly covered by drained field crops. On the Orgeval catchment area, chronicles of streamflow and water quality data are available since 1962 and 1978 respectively.

Contribution to RECOTOX dynamics :

The ORACLE observatory (through the Orgeval catchment area) is dedicated to the improvement of the knowledge on the hydrological and biogeochemical functioning of sedimentary basins in rural anthropized systems. The objective of this observatory is the observation and modeling of streamflow and of water and pollutants transfer processes at various scales. It also works on the optimization of the data acquisition methods. On the Orgeval catchment, the interest of ecotechnologies (as constructed wetlands) to reduce pesticide transfer is also studied. ORACLE, with its set of nested sub-basins and its perennial long-term observations (more than 50 years), allows to address the scaling and global changes issues.


Contact : Gaëlle TALLEC,


Website :


Hosting organization : Irstea – UR HBAN

Modification date: 03 July 2023 | Publication date: 21 August 2017 | By: Julie Berthou