ZAPVS, Zone Atelier Plaine et Val de Sèvre

ZAPVS, Zone Atelier Plaine et Val de Sèvre

The ZAPVS is a cereal plain south of Niort. It corresponds to a long term site for observation and experiments on the interactions between farming (including pesticides applications), biodiversity and the environnement in general.

For further information, go to the ZAPVS website at the bottom of this page.

Profile :

The Zone Atelier « Plaine & Val de Sevre » is located south of Niort in « Deux Sèvres » department. It has been studied since 1994 by the CEBC (Chizé Biologic Study Center), UMR CNRS and University of La Rochelle. Certified in 2008, the Zone Atelier is now involved in the INEE RZA (Research Infrastructures on Socio-ecosystems).

Location of the Zone Atelier Plaine & Val de Sèvre (source :

Location of the Zone Atelier Plaine & Val de Sèvre (source :

RECOTOX site characteristics :

The ZAPVS covers 450 km² and corresponds to a high-yield cereal plain. Nevertheless half of its area enjoys the status of NATURA 2000 site designated for its remarkable diversity of bird species. 450 farms in a temperate oceanic climate belongs to the ZAPVS. The latter also host an observatory of the ecology of bees and beekeeping (ECOBEE platform) which works on the effects of agricultural practices (especially pesticides) on bees and apicutlure.

 Contribution to RECOTOX dynamics :

The ZAPVS supports research programs on agroecology at a landscape scale and studies more specifically the link between agricultural practices and biodiversity. The Zone Atelier represents an observatory on pesticides as it enables to quantify the inputs thanks to surveys and study their effects on biodiversity and ecosystems.


Contact :


Website :


Hosting organization : UMR CEBC CNRS – Université de la Rochelle

Modification date: 03 July 2023 | Publication date: 21 August 2017 | By: Julie Berthou