WP 4 : Harmonizing analytical methods and measurements and sharing

Workpackage 4 : Harmonizing analytical methods and measurements, sharing equipments, documentary resources and technological intelligence within the sites

Leaders : Management Board

Participants : Management Board, Executive Commitee and Transverse Groups

Objectives :

It is fundamental to join the effort of all sites for developing common standards and methodologies. Indeed, in many instances, monitoring, measurements and experimental protocols are not standardized due to various historical, logistical or monitoring constraints. Substantial improvements are expected in this respect from congregating the existing sites into a network. The emergence of new techniques, new experimental protocols, or even new scientific questions will be fostered within the community using the network, further enhancing convergence on the hottest topics or newest techniques. This in turn will accelerate the knowledge transfer. We will organize regular working groups on methodological issues most relevant for the development of the infrastructure. These meetings will concern topics about measurement and experimental protocol standardization, the use of standard models organisms, and solutions for a common system of archiving and stocking of biological resources.

  • Added value :
    • Share of knowledge and know-how between the sites,
    • Standardization of quality procedures,
    • Dissemination of skills,
  • Deliverables :
    • Launching of transverse groups,
    • Technical guidelines,
    • Catalogue of equipment,
    • Harmonized methods et protocols.

Modification date: 03 July 2023 | Publication date: 22 August 2017 | By: Julie Berthou